Tuesday 18 October 2011

Stuntman sues Warner Bros. over 'Hangover Part II' accident

A stunt double for Ed Helms in The Hangover Part II has filed a lawsuit against Warner Bros. claiming a car crash on the Bangkok set of that movie has left him permanently disabled.
According to the claim, filed yesterday in California federal court, the scene in question was being shot by the film’s second unit director, Brian Smerz — who was also named in the lawsuit, along with stunt coordinator Russell Solberg.
Stuntman Scott McLean was riding as a passenger in the vehicle when a crash occurred, resulting in “likely permanent brain and physical injuries,” according to the lawsuit. “He suffers ongoing seizures, speech impediments, physical impediments and brain trauma.”

The lawsuit alleges: “Solberg commanded to the driver of the automobile in which plaintiff Scott McLean was a passenger that the speed of his vehicle be increased significantly to a speed unsafe for the stunt, thus resulting in a major collision.”
McLean, a resident of Sydney, Australia, is joined as a plaintiff by Raelene Chapman, described in the suit as his caregiver, who has suffered emotional trauma and been unable to work while looking after McLean.
Warner Bros issued a statement about the suit: “We were shocked and saddened by this accident and have been working closely with Scott and his family throughout his treatment and recovery. We have offered continual support since the accident occurred and we are working together to try and resolve any outstanding issues.”

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