Wednesday 19 October 2011

Live Free or Die Hard (2007)

John McClane takes on an Internet-based terrorist organization who is systematically shutting down the United States.



When someone hacks into the computers at the FBI's Cyber Crime Division; the Director decides to round up all the hackers who could have done this. When he's told that because it's the 4th of July most of their agents are not around so they might have trouble getting people to get the hackers. So he instructs them to get local PD'S to take care of it. And one of the cops they ask is John McClane who is tasked with bringing a hacker named Farrell to the FBI. But as soon as he gets there someone starts shooting at them. McClane manages to get them out but they're still being pursued. And it's just when McClane arrives in Washington that the whole system breaks down and chaos ensues.

Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)

John McClane and a store owner must play a bomber's deadly game as they race around New York while trying to stop him.


John McClane is now almost a full-blown alcoholic and is suspended from the NYPD. But when a bomb goes off in the Bonwit Teller Department Store the police go insane trying to figure out what's going on. Soon, a man named Simon calls and asks for McClane. Simon tells Inspector Walter Cobb that McClane is going to play a game called "Simon Says". He says that McClane is going to do the tasks he assigns him. If not, he'll blow off another bomb. With the help of a Harlem electrician, John McClane must race all over New York trying to figure out the frustrating puzzles that the crafty terrorist gives him. But when a bomb goes off in a subway station right by the Federal Reserve (the biggest gold storage in the world) things start to get heated up.

Die Hard 2 (1990)

John McClane is forced to battle mercenaries who seize control of an airport's communications and threaten to cause plane crashes if their demands are not met.


After the terrifying events in LA, John McClane (Willis) is about to go through it all again. A team of terrorists, led by Col. Stuart (Sadler) is holding the entire airport hostage. The terrorists are planning to rescue a drug lord from justice. In order to do so, they have seized control of all electrical equipment affecting all planes. With no runway lights available, all aircraft have to remain in the air, with fuel running low, McClane will need to be fast.

Die Hard (1988)

New York cop John McClane gives terrorists a dose of their own medicine as they hold hostages in an LA office building.


New York City Detective John McClane has just arrived in Los Angeles to spend Christmas with his wife. Unfortunatly, it is not going to be a Merry Christmas for everyone. A group of terrorists, led by Hans Gruber is holding everyone in the Nakatomi Plaza building hostage. With no way of anyone getting in or out, it's up to McClane to stop them all. All 12!
Bruce Willis gives a amazing performance in perhaps one of the best movies of the 1980s. This is an action/adventure movie for the ages. There are a lot of great scenes, including the scene where Bruce Willis leaps off the rooftop and crashes through the window. I never thought it would be so good when I first saw it, but I was wrong. Don't miss one of Willis' best films of all time.

Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)

John Rambo is released from prison by the government for a top-secret covert mission to the last place on Earth he'd want to return - the jungles of Vietnam.


John Rambo is removed from prison by his former superior, Colonel Samuel Troutman, for a top-secret operation to bring back POW's still held in Vietnam. Rambo's assignment is to only take pictures of where the POWs are being held, but Rambo wants to get the POWs out of Vietnam. Teamed up with female Vietnamese freedom fighter Co Bao, Rambo embarks on a mission to rescue the POWs, who are being held by sadistic Vietnamese Captain Vinh and his Russian comrade, Lieutenant Colonel Padovsky. Rambo starts killing every enemy in sight while still focusing on his intentions to rescue the POWs. There are also corrupt American officials involved in the mission, including Marshall Murdock, one of Rambo's superiors
Viewed as an action film, Rambo First Blood Part II is hard to beat. It just never lets up, and it has Stallone at the top of his game. Its comic strip stuff, and is much less credible than First Blood. I don't care about that though, you want a serious film then watch The Deer Hunter or Platoon, but if you want to see a superbly made action film watch this. After the events of First Blood, John Rambo is in prison but gets released to be sent back to Vietnam to take pictures of a pow camp to get proof that there is still American pow's there. But he is double-crossed by his superiors when he tries to take some pow's out with him, he wasn't meant to do that, he was ordered to only take photos, so he's left behind to be captured , imprisoned and tortured by those oh so nasty RUSSIANS! Sly really had it in for the reds in 1985 after this film, he sent Rocky out to Russia to beat up that other nasty Russian Ivan Drago! It must have been what the people wanted as this and Rocky IV were two of the biggest smashes of the year. Steven Berkhoff plays the Russian bad guy in practically a carbon copy of his role in the James Bond film Octopussy, he does it well though, he was one of Hollywoods favourite bad guys of the mid 80's, you might remember him in Beverly Hills Cop, which was a film initially intended for........Sylvester Stallone! This movie has just been giving the DVD special edition treatment, buy it, and get yourself one of the greatest action flms ever made.

The Expendables (2010)

A team of mercenaries is given the assignment to take out a corrupt military leader and a rogue CIA operative on a Latin American island.


Barney Ross leads the "Expendables", a band of highly skilled mercenaries including knife enthusiast Lee Christmas, martial arts expert Yin Yang, heavy weapons specialist Hale Caesar, demolitionist Toll Road and loose-cannon sniper Gunner Jensen. When the group is commissioned by the mysterious Mr. Church to assassinate the merciless dictator of a small South American island, Barney and Lee head to the remote locale to scout out their opposition. Once there, they meet with local rebel Sandra and discover the true nature of the conflict engulfing the city. When they escape the island and Sandra stays behind, Ross must choose to either walk away and save his own life - or attempt a suicidal rescue mission that might just save his soul.

Next movie review.. First Blood

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Stuntman sues Warner Bros. over 'Hangover Part II' accident

A stunt double for Ed Helms in The Hangover Part II has filed a lawsuit against Warner Bros. claiming a car crash on the Bangkok set of that movie has left him permanently disabled.
According to the claim, filed yesterday in California federal court, the scene in question was being shot by the film’s second unit director, Brian Smerz — who was also named in the lawsuit, along with stunt coordinator Russell Solberg.
Stuntman Scott McLean was riding as a passenger in the vehicle when a crash occurred, resulting in “likely permanent brain and physical injuries,” according to the lawsuit. “He suffers ongoing seizures, speech impediments, physical impediments and brain trauma.”

The lawsuit alleges: “Solberg commanded to the driver of the automobile in which plaintiff Scott McLean was a passenger that the speed of his vehicle be increased significantly to a speed unsafe for the stunt, thus resulting in a major collision.”
McLean, a resident of Sydney, Australia, is joined as a plaintiff by Raelene Chapman, described in the suit as his caregiver, who has suffered emotional trauma and been unable to work while looking after McLean.
Warner Bros issued a statement about the suit: “We were shocked and saddened by this accident and have been working closely with Scott and his family throughout his treatment and recovery. We have offered continual support since the accident occurred and we are working together to try and resolve any outstanding issues.”

Oct 17 2011 06:46 PM ET * * 221Share * * Writer sues 'The Hangover Part II' filmmakers for stealing his biographical script

An aspiring screenwriter has sued Warner Bros. and the filmmakers behind The Hangover Part II for copyright infringement, defamation, fraud, and other charges, claiming that the R-rated comedy copied a script he had written about his wild personal experiences in Asia. After his marriage to a Japanese woman fell apart during his honeymoon in 2008, Michael Alan Rubin went on some adventures that he turned into a screenplay titled Mickey and Kirin.
In the suit, filed last week in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, Rubin says The Hangover sequel “is copied from the treatment … and also from the real life incident of the Plaintiff, because the protagonist in Hangover-2 travels from the United States to an Asian country to marry his Asian girlfriend.”
The lawsuit blames his ex-wife, Tamayo Otsuki, for giving the filmmakers his story and goes on to accuse them of defaming him with the franchise’s description of Ed Helms’ character — that he married a prostitute in Vegas while under the influence of drugs and had sex with a transsexual prostitute. For the record, it should be noted that Rubin is representing himself in the matter.
Warner Bros. did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Dark Knight Rises Could Occupy Wall Street

When The Dark Knight Rises first made plans late last month to come to New York for two weeks of production, it was in the earliest days of what's now known as Occupy Wall Street, the protest taking place in Lower Manhattan. And of course, Christopher Nolan is famously meticulous and controlling over every aspect of his films; having written the script months or even years ago, it's unlikely he's making major story changes right now. And yet, Occupy Wall Street may work its way into The Dark Knight Rises as a recent addition, or at least a part of the background action. The La Times has heard from a source that the cast of The Dark Knight Rises, code-titled Magnus Rex, have been informed they may be shooting scenes at the Occupy Wall Street protests. What's unclear is pretty much everything else, including how the fiercely anti-Wall Street would 

respond to becoming unpaid extras in a movie made by a giant corporation, or even how signs like "I Can't Afford A Lobbyist" might make sense in the Batman universe as created by Nolan.

What we do know, though, is that the original casting call in New York was looking for extras to play law enforcement "within a city besieged by crime and corruption," and images from the Occupy Wall Street protests have shown striking images of law enforcement facing off against protesters that most filmmakers might be eager to recreate. As confusing as it is to hear that Nolan would be incorporating real-life politics into his fictional superhero universe, at least we know the mystery won't linger long-- Nolan is about as famous as a director can get, and the minute he shows up at Occupy Wall Street, we'll be hearing about it. Stay tuned for when that happens.


Big Kisses on the Big Screen

Here you will find some of the best movie kisses of all time. I will not be presumptuous enough to put them into some ranked system, because it is far to subjective - the movies are too different, and the kisses are too different. They cannot be properly be compared. The movie kisses included are what I believe are "of the best".
This is a list which is obviously always growing. If you think of one I have forgotten (or would like to dispute one I have included) visit the guestbook at the bottom of the page.

The Princess Bride


The Princess Bride kissIs this a kissing book?
Well apparently it is!

The Princess Bride

Little Girls With Broken Hearts

Megan Fox is obviously a fan of stringing words together with her own personal meaning.

Like the large Old English text on her left rib cage.

once was
a little
girl who
never knew
love until
a boy
broke her

Marilyn Monroe

From One Goddess to Another

Megan Fox is an obvious fan of Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe. She has a popular image of Marilyn tattooed on her inner right forearm.

Here's a look-see at the tattoo:

As of April many sources are saying that Megan Fox is likely getting the famous icon lasered off as the image has been drastically fading but this has not been confirmed or denied by Fox's "people".

Megan Fox..foxy

Here is the full quote by King Lear to his daughter, Cordelia:

No, no, no, no! Come, let's away to prison.
We two alone will sing like birds i' th' cage.
When thou dost ask me blessing, I'll kneel down
And ask of thee forgiveness. So we'll live,
And pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh
At gilded butterflies
, and hear poor rogues
Talk of court news; and we'll talk with them too-
Who loses and who wins; who's in, who's out-
And take upon 's the mystery of things,
As if we were God's spies; and we'll wear out,
In a wall'd prison, packs and sects of great ones
That ebb and flow by th' moon.

Megan Fox..drooooolll**

This leading lady is best known from the hit science fiction movie, Transformers and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Before she made it big in the movies she was growing up on the set of the television series Hope & Faith where she had the recurring role of Hope's teenage daughter Sydney. Not surprising, before the acting bug hit Megan won awards for modelling and still continues to model today.

Megan Fox also likes to show her creative side on her skin with personal messages and images that hold meaning to her. Here is a collection of her tattoos to study and possibly inspire.